Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Artist's Studio - Vacant, Sprouting

Datum Gallery and Studio Space
Users:Tracey Moffat (above ground)
Fiona Hall (below ground)

Tracey Moffat's Studio

Large, open workspace with blank walls for image and video projection. Large window spaces for natural light on one edge, to allow morning light, but block low afternoon sun.

Small exterior balcony for work composed outdoors. Lower features of gallery extend upwards, providing structural support for Moffat's studio space.

Stair leading from gallery space to Moffat's studio. Constructed in a glass box like structure, with little obtrusive elements, so audience can gain full view of Moffat bringing work to the gallery. Balustrade is very open, and stair tread very light, connected discreetly with steel fastenings to outer structure thus sustaining the light and visually engaging dynamic.

Fiona Hall's Studio

The downstairs studio space for Fiona Hall contains a series of spherical features that appear to be growing out from the wall. this is a direct representation of her work, Paradisius Teretris, which contains discarded tin cans that have natural looking plants sculpted from metal growing from them. The juxtaposition in this space of the industrial beams suspending an arched roof, and natural spherical forms plays on this concept of natural and man made.

The stair contains a curved balustrade, and opens out into an amphitheatre in the gallery space, to announce Hall's work to the audience. The structural support for the stair (shown in the first picture of the studio), plays further on the idea of the naturally sprouting wall, which supports the man made stair.

Gallery Space

Gallery space looking upwards, with Fiona Hall's designated space located on the left, with a lighter facade, and Tracey Moffat's space located on the right, with a darker space for photo and video viewings.

Mixed gallery space for painting displays, to be used by either artist.

Display cabinet of Hall's work, Paradisius Teretris.

Moffat's studio space, displaying her series of photo's, titled Fourth.

Exterior paved areas providing further outdoor space for social gatherings during exhibitions.

Outdoor cinema space, using stair as seating, where films by the artists can be shown, projected on a white background, and semi covered to protect audience from weather.

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