Saturday, December 5, 2009

Material Modelling

Material Modelling was another thoroughly enjoyable physical experience based workshop. Abstracting interpretations of ideas, thoughts, words, feeling and visual representations helped myself synthesise key ideas and exaggerate these in a 3d way. A true understanding of different modelling techniques cames through, especially with balsa wood and other materials. The activities creating the collages also encouraged critical thinking and seletively choosing the strongest parts of a situation or object to represent in a distinct way. Thinking how everyday materials can be manipulated into spatial experiences was most enjoyable and rewarding. the most enjoyable part of this workshop was being encouraged to present the work and respond to others work critically. This built confiedence and encouraged everyone to create a presentation that was meaningful and create responses that encouraged discussion. It also allowed for a wide spectrum of responses to be analysed and other students work si often the best to learn from.

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